Colocation, Turnkey Data Center
McAllen TX | MCTX1
The iconic Chase Tower is the telecommunication hub and Internet gateway between Mexico and the United States and serves as the financial services hub in the Rio Grande Valley. With over 209,000 square feet, this 17-story building offers access to 45+ unique carrier networks, making it the premier carrier hotel and data center destination in South Texas, and an important hub for cross-border data exchange spanning the entire Republic of Mexico.
Sq Ft Space
Sq Ft Space
KW Power
KW Power
Location Features
The iconic Chase Tower in McAllen, TX, is one of the most important Internet exchange locations for telecommunication traffic between Texas and Mexico. McAllen, TX is an ideal location for companies seeking to access Mexico and Latin America via the expansive Texas-based fiber networks.
- 1 .5 MW of total building power supplied by underground lines (soon to be increased to 4 MW).
- Generator backup of critical building systems.
- Both meet-me-rooms and colocation facilities have independent backup generators.
- 46 unique carrier networks.
- South Texas’ premier carrier hotel and data center destination.
- Two (2) carrier-neutral meet-me-rooms (“MMR”) provide access to short-haul, long-haul and dark fiber providers.
- Significant overhaul of the entire central cooling plant is currently underway.
- Meet-me-rooms and colocation spaces have independent and separate redundant cooling systems to maintain constant temperatures, apart from the building’s cooling system and generator backup.
- 24/7/365 building entrance security with surveillance video.
- Meet-me-rooms with colocated customers have additional physical security and surveillance systems.